Auburn, Ala. (EETV) - Improvements to the city of Auburn were also discussed Tuesday evening, as a resolution to improve traffic was approved.
A traffic study of the city was ordered for the purpose of understanding patterns that could benefit the future flow of traffic.
Many council members were initially taken aback at the price tag of almost half of a million
The traffic study is expected to take one to two years and will seek to resolve the traffic backups that currently plague the streets of Auburn.
In addition to Auburn’s traffic problems, the council addressed the progress being made for public parking.
In September of this year, a new parking deck was approved by the council to be built along South College Street, in the current location of the Baptist Student Center.
Tuesday’s resolution authorized the amount of money to be spent on this facility among other parking improvements, totaling to ten million dollars.
The “Wright Street Parking Deck” is projected for completion next year.