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Auburn student recounts Friday night shooting

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV)- Auburn University students' Friday night ended in flames in their neighbor's apartment.

Students Jackson and Freeman were in Jackson's apartment Friday night watching a movie. At around 9:30 pm, they recall hearing SWAT yell 'get down, get down' accompanied by shots being fired.


In the next 5 minutes, Jackson's door was knocked on by SWAT and the two were ushered out. 

"At that moment our adrenaline was really amped up. We didn't know what was happening obviously. We were very scared, neither of us had ever been in a situation anywhere close to that at it was pretty horrible," said Jackson.

Once across the street, Jackson and Freeman looked back to see her neighbor, Chris Wallace's apartment in flames.

Apartment kitchen after the Crossland Downs fire

Apartment kitchen after the Crossland Downs fire

"We are just very thankful that we are safe and we are very thankful for the other police officers and that no one else was hurt and there wasn't any further damage," says Jackson. "We definitely learned more so to be thankful for every single day and to not take anything for granted."

Jackson's apartment was engulfed by the flames as well.

Jackson and Freeman were alerted around 9 pm by AU Alert.