Auburn, Ala. (EETV)- Hays Kassen is a third-year Accounting major running to be Student Government's Vice President. Kassen has held multiple positions in on-campus organizations such as being SGA’s Senator at-large for the Academic Affairs Committee, a Director of SGA’s Organizational Seating Program, an SGA Freshman Forum member, a Social Fraternity Executive Board Member, and an Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society Member.
Kassen’s campaign with the slogan “Kassen is Key” focuses on initiatives in three main areas. These areas include student academic tools, organizational communication, and SGA committee structure. Kassen believes these initiatives will allow for all students to have a voice on campus.
“As Vice President, I will preside over the student senate and work closely with the President, Treasurer and other members of SGA to serve the student body that is Auburn and embody everything that this university stands for.”