Auburn, Ala. (EETV)-A new voting protocol has been put into place for Tuesday’s SGA election to avoid runoffs.
This means students will now have the ability to rank candidates for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Miss Auburn. Students will be able to do so by selecting candidates, ranking them in order of preferences.
This will eliminate the need for a later runoff if one candidate does not get at least 50% of the vote after initial votes are counted.The students who voted for the candidate receiving the least amount of first-place votes will have their votes redistributed by counting their second-place vote instead.
SGA hopes this new program will allow students to make more educated votes.
Voting Day is set to take place Tuesday, Feb. 4 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voting is available online at Click here to learn more about the candidates and their platforms