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A Healthier U Releases More Information on COVID-19 Testing for Students

Auburn, AL (EETV)- A Healthier U, Auburn's new COVID-19 health initiative, has released more information about the schoolwide testing that will take place before the start of the fall semester.

The university will be working with StaySafeTogether, who will help conduct the testing of all students. They will be sending emails out in the next few days to communicate more information about taking tests.

They will have 14 locations in the state of Alabama for residents who need to be tested. They will require an appointment before going to the site.

Beard-Eaves Memorial Colesium will serve as a spot for those who live out of the state to be tested. The AU Medical Clinic will be conducting those tests and will also require an appointment.

Students will also have the chance to take a private test at home from their local doctor. Those test results must be sent to for documentation that the student took their test.

If a student has tested positive in the last 12 weeks, they will also have to email documentation to be exempt from taking another test.

You can visit the A Healthier U website for more information regarding COVID-19 testing or email a question to the email above.