AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - SGA Elections 2023: Treasurer Candidate: Ashton Dickinson
Dickinson's platform transcript: "My name is Ashton Dickinson, and I am a junior majoring in Finance from Mobile, Alabama and I am running to be elected as your next SGA Treasurer. Throughout my time at Auburn, I have had the opportunity of serving as a Harbert College of Business Senator as well as the Code of Laws Committee Chair for the 2022-2023 term. These roles have allowed me to advocate not only for students that make up the college of business, but for every student that calls this campus home. During Election week, my platform is centered around financial literacy, transparency, and advocacy. I am excited to bring more awareness to the need for financial
literacy on Auburn’s campus, provide more transparency for all financial programs and services
offered by the university, and advocate for each and every student here at Auburn. I can’t wait
to share my platform with all of you and encourage each of you to Cash In on your Auburn
experience and everything it has to offer. War Eagle!"