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Juliane Lozano's Platform to become your 2023 SGA Vice President.

SGA Elections 2023: Vice Presidential Candidate: Julianne Lozano

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) - SGA Vice Presidential Candidate: Julianne Lozano

Lozano's platform transcript: "War Eagle everyone. My name is Julianne Lozano and I’m a junior from Winter Park, FL majoring in Business Analytics with a minor in Finance. It’s an absolute privilege that my auburn experience has led me to have the opportunity to stand in front of you today.

Being on SGA’s freshman forum helped me realize the impact I wanted to have on Auburn’s campus. Although I did not get the outcome, I wanted freshman year when I ran for college of business senator, I tried again sophomore year because I continued to have a passion for SGA. By holding a seat on Senate I have seen an unique perspective of Auburn’s campus and I am excited to continue making a positive change for students.

With my platform for Vice President, I hope to educate more students on what senate does and how individual student feedback is utilized and appreciated. My goal is for every student to feel like they are represented by SGA and that we use our platform to amplify their voice. 

Specifically centered around the Senate, I want to promote an inclusive experience by facilitating legislation that will benefit every individual on Auburn’s campus. I believe that unifying the student body with the help of Senate is the first step to continuing my goal, which is leaving Auburn better than we found it."