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AU Access redesign sparks student frustration

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) – Auburn University implemented its AU Access webpage changes Wednesday and received negative student feedback.

The central portal for students to access class schedules, grades, financial aid, football tickets and other essential services was met with a mix of confusion and frustration from students.

The university's intention behind the redesign was to modernize the user interface and improve functionality. However, the changes have complicated completing routine tasks for many students.

One of the main complaints has been the reorganization of key features. Previously, important sections like class schedules and account balances were easily accessible from the home page. Students report having to click through multiple pages to access the same information.

"I used to be able to check my emails or pay my e-bill in just a few clicks, but now I'm constantly searching for where things are," said freshman MK Monahan. "It's frustrating, especially because I just learned to navigate the old AU Access."

While the new AU Access features a more modern aesthetic, students argue that functionality has been sacrificed in favor of appearance.

"It's frustrating that the university made these changes in the middle of the semester. They should have done this over the summer so we would have time to adjust. What's the point of a nice design if students cannot easily use it?" said senior Emma Norus.

In response to the feedback, Auburn University's IT department has acknowledged the concerns.

In an email thread from "This Week at Auburn," the new AU Access portal has linked instructions for users to ensure a smooth transition. The Office of Information Technology provided step-by-step references with detailed descriptions and supporting images while learning to navigate the new system.

Whether these changes will encourage users to customize their academic platform or leave them wondering when enough is enough, the university has committed to providing support and resources to help students transition. In the meantime, students are encouraged to contact the IT help desk with any issues.