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$100 million manufacturing development in Auburn approved by Governor Ivey

AUBURN, Ala. (EETV) Governor Kay Ivey’s approval of a $100 million aluminum manufacturing plant by ILJIN, a motor vehicle manufacturing company, has resulted in varied reactions from students in the past two weeks, reflecting a mix of excitement and concern about the project’s impact on their community. 

This development is expected to create around 160 new jobs in the Auburn community according to reports from However, this addition has other implications with aluminum manufacturing being a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, according to studies from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Each of these factors shape students’ opinions on the recent approval. 

“It’s one of a lot of issues,” said junior Madeline Meckler when sharing her perspective. “Agricultural emissions are another huge factor [contributing to environmental problems.]” 

While Meckler describes aluminum manufacturing to be a process that contains environmental risks, students like freshman Kinzlie Mitchell believe that this development has the potential to do more good than harm. 

“The impact of this facility will be great for the Auburn community because new jobs can open up for people to be employed, and we can contribute to Alabama being the fifth largest vehicle producer in the US,” said Mitchell. 

This event has also helped increase some students’ knowledge of local events. 

“It’s interesting they’re making this manufacturing unit – I think it’s important for students to stay aware of what’s happening in our communities,” said Meckler. 

It has not been publicly released when this facility will begin construction or open. ILJIN representatives were contacted for comments on these developments, but they did not respond. 

Cover photo via under Creative Commons licenses.